Dav Pilkey was born on March 4th, 1966 in Cleveland. His father (David, Sr.) was a steel salesman, and his mother (Barbara) was the organist at a local church. Dav's older sister (Cindy) was a highly-skilled professional tattletale. his eleymentry was in elyria ohio. Dav pilkey was a troble maker him self after seting his school's record on being in detention the longest .this is words from dav.
While the other kids in the neighborhood were outside playing baseball and football, I was inside drawing animals, monsters, and super-hero guys. Life was pretty cool when I was little...and then school started. dav pilkey wrote the adventures of captin underpants,ricky recota and dogzela his number one book was the adventures of captin uderpants and also one of my favforite books.so there you have it dav pilkey great athuor and a funny one too