Thursday, August 27, 2009

Get that ghost to go is a great book the story was about two boys and a ghost the to boys names were Markie and Dunken.the ghost was verey childish and smelly and dunken was the only one who could see the ghost and everybody else thinks its dunken and markie are now trying to get rid of the ghost so they ask a geek to get rid of the ghost and they did . I will rate this book as **** and the athuor is Cathrine Macphail


Michael said...

Get That Ghost to Go looks like a great read, Yohannes. The whole idea that the ghost has a smell and it is offensive is a clever, creative idea. Will you be reading more by MacPhail? Also try to work on some basics of writing. How about starting with capital letters and periods. That would help a lot.

Michael said...
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William Ciputra said...

Sounds interesting. The ghost is smelly so its unique. Usually the ghost is scary. Why such long sentences.

Valentina said...

Get the Ghost to Go! sounds like a good book! Next time, try to start with capitals and end with full-stops. I've never heard of her.

Jane Lee said...

Hey why did you remove Mr. Hughes post, so mean!! This book sounds interesting. Try some more fictional book!!! Pendragon is a good book to start :D

Matthew said...

This book sounds extremely interesting. Its a pity that you haven't made any other book posts.

Zoes Homework said...

Yohannes it looks to me a little " kidish " and it doesnt look like one of the books i would read! But if you enjoyed it thats good and if you liked it well good choice