I had such good gifts on Christmas and they were all surprising. My first gift was a digital camera I was already happy until I herd it was also water prove then I and that was a trigger in my mind saying wow because I am a scuba diver. My second gift was cool and unsuspecting it was long and at the ends it looked like hills. I realized those weren't hills it were wheels the gift was a rip stick i liked the gift allot because I had no idea I was getting a rip stick for Christmas. My third gift was the best gift of all it looked like this
. Yes a jacket but your thinking why is a jacket the best
compare to the rest well there was card with it it said "hope this gift will keep you warm in the cold and brighten your day as a play pen the snow enjoy Switzerland ". I screamed then because when I went for the ski club my mom and dad said I cant go because it was too expensive i was sad because i never got to see snow in my life but they chaged there mind and I am going with the ski club on march friday 19th.

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